
The MOOS (Mutual Open and Online Skills) project aims the ideation, implementation and experimentation of a transnational, digital, educational platform and related instruments (Open Education Resources – OER) based on principles of  “Open Education” applied to High School. The project title MOOS is inspired to MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and to MOOS ( MOOS are a text-based online virtual reality system to which multiple users are connected at the same time).

OPEN EDUCATION is one of the greatest challenges for  future of learning in fact the European Commission approved a communication based on “Opening up Education” in September 2013 (COM(2013) 654). The Communication sets out a European agenda for stimulating high-quality, innovative ways of learning and teaching through new technologies and digital content. ‘Opening up education’ proposes actions towards more open learning environments to deliver education of higher quality and efficacy and thus contributing to the Europe 2020 goals.

MOOS project aims to innovate the approach of the Open Education in European high school  and to student inclusion policies by applying the methodology of OER (Open Educational Resources) in the creation, sharing, implementation, and evaluation of digital learning curriculum, through the experimentation of a new generation Web 2.0 for learning innovation.

The MOOS objectives are: to improve the use of ICT and Open Education Resources in the Curriculum of each High School to stimulate different and new ways of learning; to implement new models and instruments for digital transnational classroom with the Common Curriculum in some disciplines/courses and the development of digital lessons and educational resources and collaboration with students; to foster the attainment in basic skills and the learning of key competences with digital tools in common (e.g., CLIL  methodology) and in different languages (multilingualism); to extend the accessibility of High school courses, especially for disadvantaged students (all courses will be open and on-line), as factors to prevent and to reduce early school leaving or as a compensation instrument; to enhance the quality of teaching with the strengthening of teaching competences in the use of OER (specific training for teachers will be involved in the project) and the change-and-challenge-based profile of new teachers (the teacher as tutor and learning mediator).

The project partnership is composed by 7 high schools (ISCED 3) from 7 different EU Countries:

  1. Liceo scientifico statale “Galilei” (Pescara, ITALY) – Applicant coordinator
  2. Täljegymnasiet (Södertälje, SWEDEN)
  3. Colegio Blanca de Castilla (Burgos, SPAIN)
  4. Starostwo Powiatowe – Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych (Busko – Zdrój, POLAND)
  5. Berufskolleg am Haspel (Wuppertal, GERMANY)
  6. Puolimatkan koulu (Hyvinkää, FINLAND)
  7. The King’s School, Ely (Cambridgeshire, UNITED KINGDOM)


The activities foresee: 4 transnational meetings to coordinate the project implementation phases, 5 learning activities for teachers and pupils, 4 activities linked to intellectual output (Digital platform for Open Education, Common European Digital Curriculum, digital lessons and OER, paper on Open Education in High School), multiplier events (7 e-Practice National Workshops, 1 European Workshop, a European Final Conference).

Innovative forms of pedagogical practice of MOOS encourage learner-centred approaches, group work and participative learning promoting inquiry-based learning, learning-by-doing, problem solving and creativity. Existing and emerging technologies allow teachers to create pedagogically effective learning activities. The innovativeness of  MOOS practices only will emerged when teachers use OER in their efforts to organize newer forms of open-ended, collaborative and extended learning activities.

Results are based on outputs of the activity provided by participants, partners and other stakeholders involved in the dissemination activities: Open Educational Digital Platform, European Digital Common Curriculum, Disciplinary Digital Courses, Open Transnational Creative Classroom, Training Course Model for digital teaching.

The impact challenge of MOOS will contribute to create a wide internet learning space based on the interoperability of Open Education Resources between schools, public Authorities and other educational agencies; to empower the capacity of participant schools to work jointly to identify the emerging educational needs and develop innovative solutions to prevent dropout and NEET;  to carry out an open education experimentation on a Web 2.0 and a real digital learning service to facilitate the participation and motivation of students at risk.